Not All Break-Up Cliches Are BadYou might be thinking that there is no way any break up cliche can actually be a good thing or a good way to end a relationship. The unfortunate truth of the matter, though, is that there is no good way to end a relationship. No matter what you do or what you say, you are going to hurt someone by breaking up with them. That is why some cliches can really be useful in a desperate situation. They are cliche for a reason – because they are safe and comfortable and just about the only way to get across exactly what it is that you are trying to say. Go here to read the classy break-up template.
We Need to Talk
The phrasing here is what is important, and it is always good to convey that there is bad news in the tone of your voice as well. You never want to go into a break up with the other person thinking that everything is going just fine and that you are having nothing more than a normal conversation. That is why ‘we need to talk’ is so useful. The connotation of these words is that something bad is about to happen, or that you are about to get some really bad news. On the other side of things, do not ever use this phrase when you seriously just need to talk to someone about something in general. You do not want to accidentally panic someone when all you plan on talking about is the fact that you got tickets to a really nice show and you want to know if they will go with you.
We Don’t Want the Same Things
We Are Growing ApartNo matter what it is that you find you and your partner share different values on, if it is something that is important to you, the fact that your opinions are so different can really put a strain on the relationship. In this situation, you would be doing each other a great disservice by staying together until your differing opinions tear you apart by force. – Signs its time to break up – While telling someone that you have to focus on yourself and the things you want to do with your life can be a real blow to them, in the long run it is for the better that you put yourself in a good place before caring so much about someone else. After all, loving someone only comes naturally when you have the ability to love yourself first.
It’s Not You, It’s Me
It’s Not You, It’s MeSome people might not believe this excuse when you use it, and there is really nothing you can do to convince them that they have nothing to do with the reason that you are breaking up with them. That does not make this little cliche a bad thing, though. There are times when you just do not feel the same way for a person as you once used to, and that is perfectly alright. Never blame yourself for not loving someone anymore. It’s not exactly something you can force. You can always try to explain what it is that you no longer feel, but at the same time they really are not going to want to hear that. That is when this little phrase comes in handy. It might not be the most gallant way to end things with someone, but then again, no other way really is either.