Getting Started with Polyamorous Dating

Learn About Poliamore Before You Get Into It
Learn About Poliamore Before You Get Into It
Many people want to experiment with polyamorous dating, but they aren’t sure how to go about it. A story about Polyamorous dating from CNN. It’s easy to get caught up in listening to how other people carry out their own polyamorous relationships, but the best thing for someone who is first starting out is to find what works best for them. It’s important not to assume that what works for some people will also work for you. Polymorous dating can be complex and confusing, but it can be perfect for the right people. If you’ve been considering getting involved in a polyamorous relationship, there are a few things that you should keep in mind to ensure that you have the best possible chance of making things work for you.

Communication is the Key

The most important thing to keep in mind about polyamorous relationship is that communication controls whether or not the relationship works out. Before you even think about starting your relationship with your partners, the first thing you should do is find time for the all of you to sit down and discuss what you want out of the relationship. Tell each other what you expect from the relationship, and what won’t be tolerated. If all of you are new to a polyamorous relationship, make sure you tell each other about any worries or concerns you have about it.

Once all of you have talked about what you need and want, it is best to start out slowly. Don’t jump into situations that could potentially complicate things like sex. Instead, all of you should spend time together getting to know each other. Get comfortable with each, and take your time. Something as simple as kissing can easily become confusing when there are more than two people carrying it out.

Give Each Partner Equal Attention

Love Everyone As Much As Everyone Else In The Relationship
Love Everyone As Much As Everyone Else In The Relationship
Once you and your partners have everything figured out, and are comfortable with each other, you want to make sure you give each partner the same amount of attention. One of your partners might feel left out if you seem to be spending too much attention with another one, or if the two of you seem to have more in common. If you have made a deal to spend the same amount of time with each partner, come up with a schedule, and fill it with things that each of you like to do. This way it won’t feel like one partner is catering to another partner.

When all of you are together, make sure you pay attention to each other. If one of your partners is working on a project at home while you and another partner are cuddled on the couch, make sure the two of you occasionally pop in to check on your other partner. Do something generous like bringing them something to eat, or giving them a quick kiss to let them know that you’re thinking about them. Make sure to hang around until your busy partner is done with their project. If the two of you leave before they’ve finished, they will feel left out.

Don’t Exclude a Partner to Make Others Comfortable

Polymorous relationships can be extremely hard to understand for people who don’t know anything about them. Even if some people do know what they are, and what they’re about, they may not consider it to be a real relationship because there are more than two people involved. Some people don’t approve of polymorous relationship, and they are quick to voice their opinions about them. Many people even go as far as insulting the people involved in the relationship, ridiculing them, and calling them offensive names.

Do Not Neglect Anyone To Please Others
Do Not Neglect Anyone To Please Others
As convenient as it may be to tell someone who asks that you’re only involved with one person, take some pride in your relationship and explain to them that you’re in a polymorous relationship. Either the other person will accept it (even if they don’t understand it), or they will be against it. If they are, you can feel free to cut these types of people out of your life. Go here to see a list of the type of people you need to cut out of your life.

Deciding whether or not to be involved in a polymorous relationship is your choice. Don’t let anyone try to tell you the right or the wrong way to do it. As long as each partner feels comfortable, do whatever makes all of you happy.