Research or Stalking: How to When You’re Going Too Far
Do Not Become The Stalker In Her LifeWanting to learn more about a lady so that you can catch her attention is great. Unfortunately, sometimes men go way too far with wanting to know about a woman that they actually end up stalking her. When you shift from being interested in a woman to obsessing over her, nothing good will ever come of it. Worst of all, she will quickly realize what you’re doing, and she will want to stay away from you at all costs. If you want to successfully date a woman, you need to know the difference between whether you’re learning about her, or whether you’re stalking her.
You Follow All of Her Social Media Accounts (But You Check Up On Everyone She Interacts With)
A great way to learn more about the lady that you’re interested in is to follow her social media accounts. You can learn the things she loves and hates. You can also learn what type of guy she’s looking for. Finding out all of this can give you a better chance of catching her interest. When you follow her social media sites and interact with her, the two of you can gradually grow closer together. She may even realize that you’re exactly the type of guy that she’s been looking for. Everything could work out perfectly. But everything could also backfire horribly for you.
Interact With Her OnlineWhen you’re following a woman’s social media sites, you shouldn’t be checking up on the other people that she is interacting with. When you do this, you move from being a guy that is innocently interested in her, to someone who is stalking her to see what the competition is like. Checking up on her friends and reading every posted online conversation that she has had is a huge indicator that you are stalking her. What would make it even worse is if you use whatever conversation she’s had with someone else to your benefit. For example, if you read (via a conversation she had with someone else) that she was trying to find a certain book, and then you go out and spend $30 for this book, and then mention it on your own social media site without letting her know that you read her conversation, it is a horrible way to trick her. When you do this, you’re no longer trying to learn about her. You’re simply trying to manipulate her.
You’ve Figured Out Her Schedule (And Make Sure That You’re Always Conveniently Running Into Her)
Stop Always “Accidentally” Running Into HerAnother sign that you’ve moved from being interested to being obsessed is when you’ve learned her schedule, and you make it a habit of always “accidentally” running into her. Doing things like listening to her conversation to find out where she will be, and then making sure that you are there the same time she is creepy and definitely fits the stalker bill. If you start doing this often, it won’t take her long to figure out what you are up to. She may even confront you about it. If she’s too afraid to do that, she may report you to the authorities, and then try to get a restraining order on you.
It is understandable when you really want to get to know a woman, but when you go through dishonest, and often extreme measures to learn about them, it makes you a stalker. Women do not want to date stalkers, as nothing good has ever come from it. It is important to always pay attention to how far you’re going to find out information about a woman. If you start to feel like you may be going too far to find out more about her, then you should dial it back a few notches. You want her to be interested in you because of who you are, not because of who you’ve pretended to be. Do this for both her, and yourself.