Erotic Hands MassageIt is not uncommon for there to come a time when you want to get your partner aroused in a public setting, either as a way to embarrass her or as a means to keep her more calm in an unsettling situation. Unfortunately, arousing someone can be a little bit difficult when there are other people around who might be more than a little disturbed by the act. In situations like this, you have to be crafty and you have to be very subtle about your actions. It also helps if your partner is subtle as well, even as you drive them slowly insane with arousal. So here are a few ideas of ways to arouse your partner without arousing the suspicion of the people you find yourself unfortunately surrounded by.
Hand Massage
While the hand is not one of the most sensual places on the body, (Erogenous zones ranked) it can definitely be used to arouse someone if done properly. All you need to do is intertwine your fingers with your partners’ fingers and gently start to massage her hand. Focus on the spaces between her fingers and the back of her hand. It can also help to go between pressing deeply into the tendons on her hand and then only gently brushing your fingers over the top. Be sure not to do anything too hard, though, so that you do not wind up making it difficult for her to keep using her hands regularly. General hand contact as well can really help to get her up and going, especially if you constantly make a point to keep touching her hands.
Fleeting Touches
Touch Her Hand and Get Her ArouseIn the same vein, using quick, fleeting touches whenever there are backs turned to you can turn her on quickly. In this case, it does not really matter where you are touching her, just that you are touching her lightly, like a shiver running through her body. Placing your hand on the small of her back and rubbing softly circles that dip just a little too low is as likely to get her going as brushing your fingers over her shoulder as you pretend to displace a dust bunny there. It helps if she knows beforehand that you are trying to get a rise out of her too, because then she is more likely to try and fight it down and by doing so arouse herself even further.
Prolonged Eye Contact
Sink Into Her Eyes, She Will Love ItWhenever you get the chance, meet her eye and do not look away. This is the sort of thing that will possibly embarrass her and make her look away, but try to keep the eye contact in place for as long as you can. This is also a great opportunity to use facial expressions to very subtly convey to her what you are trying to do to her. Lick your lips, raise or bounce and eyebrow, just be sure that you do it in such a way that you do not get caught by anyone else. And the fact that you are doing this while maintaining eye contact with your partner is all the more likely to drive her absolutely wild.
Sweet Nothings
This last one is something that takes a little more skill. When the other people in the room are distracted, all you have to do is lean over and whisper something to your partner. It can be something sexy or it can just as easily be something completely normal. The fact that you are breathing intimately on her ear will help to turn her on, even more so if you manage to say something dirty to her in the brief time spans that you are able to whisper to her. Whispering to her can even be coupled with other suggestions made earlier. For example, while whispering to your partner, you could very softly touch her shoulder or be sure to make suggestive eye contact with her immediately after you pull away.