She Buys You a Drink
Oh my, how the tables have turned. The traditional take on this is that the guy approaches, buys her a drink, and then she accepts it and does one of two things. Go here to learn proper drink ordering etiquette. Hopefully she’ll stick around and talk long enough to get charmed. If not, she takes the drink and leaves. It’s not the nicest thing, but it happens far too often. When she steps up and asks to buy you a drink she is being majorly forward by taking on this traditional masculine role. She is clearly telling you that she wants to keep you around long enough to talk to you. It’s nice, huh?
Body Talks
Playful Touching
What does she do when she laughs? If she’s throwing her head back and touching your arm, you know that she’s interested. When someone wants something more, they’re going to make subtle gestures, like touching the forearms or thighs. This is a way to bridge the gap between the two of you. Your body is also going to pick up on this and respond accordingly. Try to mirror her actions and touch her lower back and legs. If you caress her forearms it’s a little bit weird, though. If she lets you do this then you’re definitely doing well here.
What Is She Saying?
Whoops, There Goes Her Shirt
Okay, so it’s not quite that dramatic, but when a woman accidentally on purpose shows you some skin, it’s a definite flirt tactic. She might be pulling it down to show you a tattoo or something cute on her bra, whatever it is, that’s just an excuse. She wants to show you more later on. Another popular tactic is comparing underwear or showing off a piercing. If this happens, definitely indulge by pretending to match. Pull up your shirt and say something like, “Oh I don’t have any tattoos, I just thought you’d like a show.” It doesn’t matter if it’s lame, you’re in.
The Finale
The big finale is splitting a ride at the end of the night. Read more from a woman’s point of view. Getting a cab together would be odd if you weren’t planning on going home together. Why not just take it all the way and propose another drink in a comfier place?